All About Google’s New Online Shopping Features

Google is rolling out new shopping tools just in time for the holidays! These new features are a big help to shoppers and offer new competitive opportunities for retailers. Read on to learn more!

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Google continues to implement tools and information to make their search results the top spot for information. With zero-click results, the shopping tab, and now new in-search shopping assistance features, Google is elevating their search result experience even more.

Here’s what to expect in Google’s search results this holiday shopping season:

  • Price comparison info
  • Deal and coupon badges
  • Bargain display

Keep in mind, these updates will be in the initial search results. The idea is that online shoppers will have quicker and more convenient access to the best products for the best prices right in their search results without having to switch over to the shopping tab.

While these features will make online shopping easier for consumers, retailers will have to be more transparent and competitive about their deals in order to win customers over.

1. Price Comparison Info

When consumers search for a product online, they will now be able to compare one merchant’s price to another more easily. They will also be able to see the average price for a product across the market so they can avoid scams and make sure they’re getting the best deal for the product.

Consumers can also track prices to watch for dips and increases and make the most informed buying decision.

For retailers, this means that competitive and honest pricing matters more than ever. Keeping Google updated on current product pricings should become a routine task for online retailers in their digital marketing efforts.

2. Deal and Coupon Badges

Now, specific deals and coupons will be attached to the product listing on the in-search results.  

Previously, Google’s product listing would alert online shoppers to a sale or price drop, but now the listings will include more deals and coupons. For example, if you’re shopping for winter boots, you’ll be able to see which retailers are offering a seasonal discount, new customer promos, a BOGO offer, and other types of deals.  

Additionally, Google is adding a coupon clipping feature to save deals for later. 

The in-search coupon and promo badges keep traffic and business local to Google’s platform and make bargain hunting much easier for online shoppers. Before, consumers would have had to scour the web for third party hosts for coupon codes or click into the retailers site to see if any deals were going on, now they can easily see and compare deals right within their search results.

For retailers, advertising and registering competitive coupons and promos with Google is a must. Shoppers will have less of a need to click around and visit retailers' sites for deals, so if your business is offering some sort of deal, it needs to be attached to the in-search product listing. 

Google shared that businesses will be able to track the performance of certain coupons and product listings in their Google Merchant profiles!

3. Bargain Display

Google will now start showing similar products with coupons and deals attached in the search results for online shoppers. For bargain hunters, getting the best deal is easier than ever since Google now aggregates the best products with the best prices right in your search results. Without ever clicking over into the shopping tab, what you’re looking for, and your best options, will pop up in the search results.

Again, the pressure is on for online retailers to offer quality products at great prices with competitive coupons and to see big gains this holiday season.

Final Thoughts

This holiday shopping season offers new conveniences for consumers and new business opportunities for online retailers. Google’s shopping assistance features are expected to be a big hit and stick around after the holiday season.

If your business needs help taking advantage of these new features, RevLocal can help! We specialize in creating personalized digital marketing strategies for small business and multi location brands. To learn more about what it’s like to have RevLocal handle your business’s digital marketing, browse our resources or contact us for a free consultation!

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