Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg [Infographic]

There’s more to local search than meets the eye! Find out what goes on behind the scenes to establish a local search marketing presence.

What’s Included

  • An introduction to the “tip of the iceberg” or what you see of your local search presence as a client.
  • A walk-through of the different back-end processes, or “beyond the tip of the iceberg,” that RevLocal follows to make your local search work.
  • Statistics behind the numerous local search optimization strategies we utilize.

Infographic Breakdown

Have you ever wondered just how we work to get your business listing to rank higher in Google searches? What about how your website brings in more local traffic?

Well, wonder no more! This infographic is your resource to understand the breakdown of some essential processes that go into your local search marketing. It’s not just claiming and managing listings or creating locally optimized websites, this infographic introduces some of the work that our local search experts put in behind the scenes to allow your business to be seen by potential customers online.

Creating and maintaining a local search presence is not as simple as one may think. To expand your understanding of local search and all that goes into having an effective local search strategy, make sure to visit our other resources.

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