If you own a franchise and feel baffled by marketing or simply want to discuss business challenges with experienced advisors while learning from your peers, join us weekly throughout the month of October for a franchise marketing roundtable discussion with Angela Coté, Inc!
These roundtables will focus on topics like paid ad strategies and supporting franchisee’s community marketing initiatives, all in a collaborative environment. Plus, you will receive exclusive access to the Franchise Marketing Facebook Group.
What: Franchise Marketing Roundtable
When: Tuesdays in October at 11 a.m. PT | 2 p.m. ET
Where: Online
About RevLocal’s Sponsorship
As a marketing agency with many clients in the franchise realm, we strive to support businesses that aim to educate and help franchisees succeed. These roundtables are not only an amazing opportunity to connect with other franchisors but also to receive business coaching.
Here’s what RevLocal’s Brand Sales Manager AJ Shull had to say: “Whether you’re an established franchise with hundreds of units or just starting out, we highly encourage you to register to attend one of AC’s roundtables.”
What is Angela Coté, Inc.?
Angela Coté, Inc, is a network of franchise coaches dedicated to educating and equipping franchisors and franchisees with what they need to succeed in their business efforts. They boast 75+ years of accumulative experience in the franchise sector.
AJ added, “It’s an honor to work with Angela and her team and sponsor these events. AC and her team have been a resource to the franchise community for many years.”
Learn more about AC here. Or send your questions to roundtables@angelacote.com.
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