Your July 2019 Digital Marketing News Roundup

Catch up on everything that has happened in digital marketing in the past month and just what it means for your business's digital presence.

Check out This Digital Marketing News

Have you kept up with the digital marketing changes that July had in store?

No need to worry! We’ve gathered all the recent news and updates for you to catch up on. Here’s your July digital marketing news roundup:

"Request a Quote" option added to Google My Business Listings

This new feature could help increase your business's leads!

Google has recently released a 'Request a Quote' button on GMB listings search results. This feature appears to be available on both desktop and mobile searches.

However, business listings need to be eligible for the button option. Listings must have messaging options enabled through Google for this button to appear in their listing. But don't worry, it's easy to enable messages if you haven't done so previously.

This now gives users or interested customers direct ability to interact with businesses through Google, which tends to be an initial point of exposure and interest for possible customers.

Google My Business listing issues confirmed

As a business owner with a Google My Business listing, you may have encountered Google’s current problem at hand. The issue being, Google My Business reviews have unexpectedly been going missing from listings.

Google initially said that a bug in its system likely caused the issue. Recent news, however, has come out saying that these reviews were accidentally removed while Google was attempting to remove fake reviews.

This issue has raised new concerns as now it is predicted that business’s who have lost their genuine reviews may not get them back.

Time will tell us more, but for now, keep an eye out for these disappearing reviews and make sure to keep up with the latest Google updates on the problem.

Instagram expands their like removal testing regions

As we addressed in June’s updates, Instagram is working on beta testing to remove likes on posts. And now that this testing is taking shape, Instagram is extending its study to new countries.

In an effort to push out this new feature to the platform, Instagram has announced its testing expansion to Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Japan and New Zealand.

Previously, the platform had focused on testing users in the Canada market.

Ultimately, this change is being considered and tested as an attempt to promote the wellbeing of Instagram users following some dramatic statistics proving the platform’s detriment to mental health.

For Instagram, it’s also a way to promote user's focus toward putting out quality content rather than content that will gain likes.

Interested in learning more details on the updates that came to Instagram in June? Click here to learn more.

Instagram's new warning system

Like removal isn’t the only change that Instagram has been working on this month.

Currently, Instagram is focusing on giving its policy enforcement process the proper updates to stay ahead of future account removal issues and concerns.

These changes to the policy will include:

  • Removing accounts which have committed a certain percentage of content violations within a period of time
  • Sending warning messages before page removal
  • Providing a streamlined process for appealing incorrect account strikes.

Users can now look forward to a safer and better managed Instagram.

Facebook updates ad formats

Facebook is restructuring its ad format to “drive increased ad effectiveness and make it easier to use the same assets on Facebook News Feed and Instagram feed.”

So, how are these ad formats changing?

These updates will include fewer lines of text displayed in the text section of a post as well as a reduced video and photo height maximum on mobile news feeds.

While these changes are pretty simple, they are important to keep in mind when putting out content for your business’s ads.

Pay attention to the sizing of your ad images or video content, and make sure your text description on posts is quick and straightforward in the first three lines. Keep in mind that you're not limited to writing three lines of content. Instead, users will be prompted to "See More" of the text after reading the three brief lines of content.

Bonus: New Twitter desktop layout and features

If you’re a Twitter user, you may have already noticed this update, but the platform recently rolled out the final product of their desktop layout designs. The company had been testing different layout designs since the beginning of the year.

The new layout includes a large sidebar along the left side of a user’s main feed. The design provides easy access to features like home, explore, notifications, messages, bookmarks, lists, profile and more.

On top of the noticeable sidebar change, direct messages on the desktop have a new format as well. It is now laid out for users to both view and respond to conversations in the same place — no more switching between screens to send a message.

For those who want different themes and colors for your desktop Twitter page, you’re in luck! This update has that and more! You can also add the Dim and Lights Out mode while on the website.

A final change now gives users access to the Bookmark feature. Bookmark is a tool to use for checking back on Tweets you liked but may not have wanted to retweet!

Final Thoughts

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