LinkedIn is your resource for all things business and social media. That’s why you need to stay ahead of the curve by being up to date on the changes and updates that LinkedIn makes.
No need to worry, though, we’ve got you covered as we break down the newest features that have come to LinkedIn and what they mean for your local business. Keep reading!
But wait! If you are starting up a LinkedIn page and need to learn the basics of owning and managing and business page on LinkedIn, check out this how-to video and blog.
Live streaming
No longer are you or your business limited to streaming on platforms like Facebook or Instagram!
While these are great platforms for live streaming, with LinkedIn’s new live streaming option, your business can grow direct connections and engagement with the professional and customer relationships you have gained through the platform.
There are proven numbers that emphasize just how effective live streaming is with engagement over traditional video posts through LinkedIn.
And while live streams can be an opportunity to engage with followers on a deeper level, also consider it a forum where your business can present new initiatives that are being put into practice or hold business discussions and meetings. This way, followers can give their input, ask questions and more.
LinkedIn is your new outlet for social media live streaming.
Page and member post options
For those who utilize LinkedIn personally and professionally, this feature is for you!
When it comes to managing corporate accounts, client accounts or simply your business account on top of your personal LinkedIn page, posting for each can be a hassle. It requires switching between accounts to post personalized content for each, but thanks to this latest update, it doesn’t have to be such a pain!
Now, users can post straight from their homepage in the “Start a post” section, and rather than switching to the account they need to post to, this posting feature provides a drop-down menu for the user to select which page the post will go on.
This makes posting on LinkedIn simpler and more time-effective.
Invite to follow
You’ve probably, at some point in your social media experience, encountered an option to invite people from your email or phone contacts to join a social network you were on. Now, LinkedIn is taking this option a step further in their Invite to follow feature.
Instead of encouraging people you know to join LinkedIn, the Invite to follow selection allows you to encourage people to follow a particular business page on the platform.
For example, if you are looking to grow your business’s presence on LinkedIn and you recently met new business contacts in your brick and mortar store, you could utilize this new feature to invite these contacts to view and follow your business page.
This feature has two benefits. It adds a personalized touch because these users will see that you asked them specifically to follow the page, and it grows your page’s followers and ultimately engagement and reach!
Page optimization is also a key factor in growing your social media audience and engagement. Give this blog a read for more information on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and build your page!
Bonus: Double-tap likes on mobile
In case you didn't know, just as you'd use the double-tap feature on Instagram or Facebook, LinkedIn offers the ability for its mobile users to do the same on its platform.
This feature makes liking and reacting to the LinkedIn posts in your feed so much simpler and this goes for users who follow and like your posts as well! Double-tap likes are a hopeful opportunity toward gaining more engagement and reactions on posts.
LinkedIn reactions have around for a while now, but if you are looking for more information on how these work and what they mean for engagement on your posts, check out this news roundup.
Final Thoughts
By now, we’re used to the constant changes that social media platforms and digital marketing bring, but sometimes it is hard to keep track!
Read this blog for some of the essential buzzwords to know for the new year!
Stay tuned to our RevLocal blog for future social media and digital marketing news and updates and check out our social media services to see if they could fit the needs of your business with these latest LinkedIn updates.
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